The Charity Games Show has been postponed pending further clarification from the Ontario Government regarding new restrictions on outdoor gatherings. Our first and foremost responsibility is to the participants, their families, and our volunteers' health and well-being. Well this is disappointing news, we thank you for your continued support. Participants, sponsors, and volunteers will be contacted in the coming days when we have more information to share. Sincerely, Angela Muir Chairperson PARD Therapeutic Riding
Thank you for supporting the PARD Therapeutic Riding Charity Games Show. Proceeds from this show will go directly back into the program and towards the care and keep of our five wonderful therapy horses!
Bring completed Registration Form to the event on Sunday, along with payment (cash/debit/credit/cheque)
Enter Contact Tracing Information online for anyone attending (this will make check-in easier and help us greatly)
Read the new Covid Protocols
Print and sign the Health Screening/Waiver before the show. This will be collected at check-in
Enter your Contact Tracing Information online
Read the new Covid Protocols
Print and sign the Health Screening/Waiver before the show. This will be collected at check-in
Enter your Contact Tracing Information online
Read the new Covid Protocols
Print and sign the Health Screening/Waiver before the show. This will be collected at check-in
COVID Contact Trace
Covid Protocols
Health Screening/Waiverr
Pre-registration is now closed. Please bring completed registration form with you. Cash/Debit/Credit/Cheque accepted on site
Pre-Registration in now closed. Cash/Debit/Credit/Cheque accepted on site.
Pay online
Send your completed registration form to [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hrs with a link for secure online payment.
Pay by cheque
Please make cheques payable to: PARD Therapeutic Riding. Bring completed registration form and payment to the Registration tent.
pay by cash
Cash will be accepted show day. Please bring completed registration form and payment to the Registration tent.
All visistors to the farm will be required to leave contact tracing information. Add your name and telephone number now to make check-in faster and easier.
All visitors to the facility are required to sign a Covid HealthScreening/Waiver Please print, read, and sign the waiver and bring it with you show day. Forms will be collected at check-in.