“Some get to have the experience of horse riding while others don’t get to live their dreams”, says Isabelle.
“The PARD program helps me with learning about horses and how to do things on a horse that many persons with disabilities want to do. It has fun games to do while you’re on the horse in a class or by yourself and you get to learn how to control the animal by yourself as you move up in the levels of riding. You get to go onto different horses from time to time. Most of the horses are very old, but the rest are younger than people think.
As an example, Robbie – “the poky pony” – acts like an old man inching his way to somewhere he needs to go to, but he’s really active. I made him go on and on the whole entire time of my lesson until it was all over. My legs were really sore after all that pushing and riding.
My goals are to keep on riding until I’m able to jump over a fence with the horse. My favourite horses to ride are Bail, Robbie and Sharky. They give me lots of courage to keep on going and never give up from an injury or quit for the fun of riding a horse everywhere that a car or a truck or any other type of vehicle can’t go into at all. It looks easier when someone else is riding a horse than when you’re riding one for the first time.
If you know someone with disabilities, tell them about the program and they might become expert riders some day.
I’d like to say thanks to all the volunteers and instructors for helping me understand about how to use the equipment and know the horses by their coats and what style they move at the walk or the trot depending on the type of breed in the bloodlines of the horse.” – Isabelle