My name is Hannah Goode and I am 10 years old. I started riding horses with PARD in 2011. I was born with Down Syndrome. Having Down Syndrome means I have to work a lot harder than other kids my age to do the same things. Sometimes, this makes it difficult to keep up with them.
When I came to PARD, I had never ridden a horse before, but I loved animals, so I wanted to give it a try. PARD has helped me to gain confidence in myself and work on my speech and social skills too. It is also a great way to strengthen my muscles and keep fit. I get to play a lot of games on my horse and last year I even started to trot!
The volunteers at PARD are great! They are always happy and friendly and they know a lot about the horses. I look forward to going every week. They encouraged me to try horses hows, and I have won two ribbons. Everyone was really proud of me.
This year, I am hoping to learn more about grooming and getting the horses ready for the people to ride. One day I want to learn to jump with my horse in the horse show, but that will take a lot of practice.
When I grow up, I want to volunteer at PARD and lead the horses. – Hannah